Tuesday 31 July 2012

Watch Total Recall Online | Download Total Recall Movie



Total Recall 2012 is a sci-fi action saga, a remake of Total recall 1990 film starring Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger. As we can see from official trailers, the new film significantly differs from the original 1990 movie.

New Asia is old, crowded and built on water while the United Federation of Britain (Euramerica) is more modern and clean. There are crowds of factories in New Asia, and Doug Quaid works at one of them. He suffers from strange nightmares and begins to suspect being a spy for one of the warring sides. He supposes his personality and memory have been erased and changed after a visit to the Rekall Corporation, a company that offers artificial memories people would like to have. Well, it won’t be that interesting to watch Total Recall online if we will put all cards on the table.
According to the rumors, Arnold Schwarzenegger showed his interest to the role he played in 1990, but in January 2011 Colin Farrell finally was appointed to the role. Bryan Cranston plays Vilos Cohaagen, the President of the United Federation of Britain and a corporate leader, famous with his ruthlessness. Kate Beckinsale plays Lori, Douglas Quaid’s wife, and Jessica Biel plays mysterious Melinda. As you see, the cast is talented and very promising.